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The Model Mason

Today in Masonic History we present The Model Mason by Rob Morris.

This poem was dedicated to Brother Phillip C. Tucker, Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Vermont in the late 1850's.

There's a fine old Mason In the North, he's
     genial, wise, and true,
His list of brothers comprehends, dear Brother,
     me and you;
So warm's his heart the snow-blast fails to chill
     his generous blood,
And his hand Is like a giant's when outstretched
     to man or God;
Reproach nor blame, nor any shame, has checked
     his course or dimmed his fame-
All honor to his name!

This fine old Mason is but one of a large family;
In every Lodge you'll find his kin, you'll find
     them two or three;
You'll know them when you see them, for they
     have their father's face,
A generous knack of speaking truth and doing
     good always:-
Reproach nor blame, nor any shame, has checked
     their course or dimmed their fame -
Freemason Is their name!

Ah, many an orphan smiles upon the kindred as
     they pass;
And many a widow's prayers confess the sympathizing
The Father of this Brotherhood himself doth
     smile to see
Their works - they're numbered all In heaven
     those deeds of charity!
Reproach nor blame, nor any shame, can check
     their course or dim their fame,-
All honor to their name!