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William McKinley

 Born January 29, 1843 - Died September 14, 1901

William McKinley was an American politician and 25th President of the United States.

McKinley was born in Niles, Ohio on January 29th, 1843. He attended one year of college at Allegheny College in Pennsylvania, leaving the school in 1860. He was unable to continue due to financial issues within his family.

In 1861, McKinley enlisted in the army as a private. He was assigned to the 23rd Ohio infantry. In the unit delays in issuance of uniforms and weapons brought Rutherford B. Hayes, the 19th President of the United States and then a Major, and McKinley together. So impressed with Hayes was McKinley, it began a life long association between the two men, ending with Hayes death in 1893.

In 1865 after the war, McKinley began studying law and attended the Albany Law School in New York. He was admitted to the Bar in 1867.

Also 1867, McKinley's Army friend, Rutherford B. Hayes, announced his candidacy for Governor. McKinley gave a speech in Stark County where he resided on behalf of Hayes. The speech became McKinley's first step into politics.

In 1869, McKinley ran for County prosecutor in Stark County, a position typically held by a Democrat. Despite running as a Republican, McKinley was elected and served for a single two year term.

By 1877, McKinley had run for and gotten a seat in Congress. He served in Congress until 1890 with a brief break in from 1882 to 1884. So concerned with McKinley, Democrats repeatedly gerrymandered McKinley's district until they were finally able to vote him out of Congress in 1890.

In 1891, McKinley got elected Governor of Ohio, he served until 1895. Although the Governor of Ohio had little power at the time, Ohio was a swing state in national elections and McKinley took full advantage of his position.

In 1896, McKinley received the Republican nomination for President and later the same year was elected. Even from his days in Congress, McKinley was pro-business and this continued during his Presidency.

During McKinley's first term, in 1898, the Spanish-American war broke out.

In 1901 he got reelected President. Six months into his second term he was assassinated by Leon Czolgosz on September 14th, 1901.

McKinley was a member of Hiram Lodge No. 21 in Virgina, joining during the Civil War. He later demited from the lodge in order to become a founding member of Eagle Lodge No. 431, which was later renamed William McKinley lodge in Ohio.

This article provided by Brother Eric C. Steele.