
Search>> Government>> Politicians>> United States>> John Zuinglius "Jack" Anderson
Categories: Government Politicians

John Zuinglius

 Born March 22, 1904 - Died February 9, 1981

John Zuinglius Anderson was an American Broadway producer.

Anderson was born in Oakland, California. In 1913 he moved with his family to San San Jose, California. He would attend public schools in California and graduate in 1923 from San Jose High School.

In 1925 Anderson would move to San Juan Bautista, California to engage in agricultural pursuits and fruit growing.

In 1938, Anderson was elected to the United States House of Representatives from California. Starting in January 1939, he would serve 7 consecutive terms in the United States House of Representatives.

During Anderson's time in the House of Representatives he would serve on the House Armed Forces committee and would oppose the Democratic administration feeling that it was governing by Executive Order.

Anderson was also a big supporter of forcing Japanese Americans from the Pacific Coast states. In 1945 he would state:

"As a member of the California congressional delegation I have consistently opposed the return of the Japanese-Americans to the Pacific coast while the war against Japan in the Pacific is in progress. I was one of those who as early as Dec. 8, 1941, advocated the immediate removal of all persons of Japanese descent from restricted and prohibited areas in California, Oregon and Washington

After Anderson left congress in 1953, he would sit on the board of directors for Bank of America. He would serve as President of the California and Pacific State Canning Pear Associations.

In 1954 Anderson would return to Washington. Until 1962 he would serve consecutively with the Department of Agriculture (1955-1956), Administrative Assistant to President Eisenhower (1956-1961) and member of staff of Veterans Affairs Committee for the House of Representatives. In 1962 he would retire from public life.

In 1981, Anderson, at his home in California would pass away from a self inflicted gun shot wound. No note was left.

Anderson was a member of Texas Lodge No. 46 in San Juan Bautista, California.

This article provided by Brother Eric C. Steele.