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Our 2017 Christmas Message

Today in Masonic History we present our 2017 Christmas message.

On this special day we take the opportunity to talk about Freemasonry and it's role in the world.

Recently I was involved in a public presentation put on by the Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite in my jurisdiction. It is a play called December's Rose. In the play a member of the lodge, who is generally angry about various things in his lodge and his life, comes to lodge to complain about the charity giving that the lodge is doing. The member feels that the generosity of the lodge is causing the lodge to not meet it's financial requirements. In the play the other members of the lodge dismiss his rants as those of an angry man and pay little attention to him. It isn't until some members of the lodge discover that much of his anger is due to the fact that he is too prideful to reach out to his estranged daughter that they take notice and begin to act. Some of the members of the lodge, without the angry brothers knowledge, arrange to bring the brothers estranged daughter back to town so the two can reconcile.

The play encompasses many of the core values of Freemasonry. These include brotherly love, compassion and charity. There is one additional value that one does not get so easily recognized in this, Hope.

Those with little or no Hope often act in desperate ways. When there is no other avenue they will make a financial or personal decision that leads to more difficulties and the further loss of Hope. The current climate in the World can be viewed as a loss of Hope. For many there is a desperation to their situation, they see no way out. This causes them to lash out, as the man in December's Rose acts. Without Hope of reconciling with his daughter he lashes out at the brothers in his lodge.

For many just looking at social media can cause this same reaction. People, often on both sides of political arguments, feel there is little or no hope, and they begin desperately lashing out. All seems dark and confusing.

This should remind us of this time of year. We are literally at the darkest part of the year, there is seemingly no hope from the darkness, when suddenly a light appears in the sky giving hope to all that a child is born in Bethlehem.

To make the miracle of Christ's birth become the true beacon of Hope that it is, we must step forward and encourage that Hope. In our lodges and in our communities we can step up to help that beacon of Hope shine brighter. We can help to bring Hope to the hopeless and perhaps lend a hand to that brother in our life who needs a boost of Hope to get him through the dark times.

I hope everyone who reads this has a Merry Christmas and celebrates the idea of peace on Earth and goodwill toward ALL man kind.

This article provided by Brother Eric C. Steele.