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Samuel Emery Adams is Born

Today in Masonic History Samuel Emery Adams is born in 1828.

Samuel Emery Adams was an American politician.

Adams was born on December 1st, 1828 in Reading, Vermont. In his youth, his father who was a local politician and farmer moved the family about the state, first to Bellows Falls and then over to Rutland County. From there Adams attended various academies around the state. He eventually enrolled in Dartmouth College in 1851. Shortly after he left Dartmouth due to health issues.

In 1853, Adams was appointed by President Franklin Pierce as a postal route agent between Boston, Massachusetts and Burlington, Vermont. His duties included accompanying the mail between Burlington and Boston, as well as delivering and accepting new mail along the route.

In 1855, health issues forced Adams to resign the route. Shortly after he headed to Minnesota hoping to get some relief form his illness. After spending a few months in Minnesota he traveled back to Vermont and a year later made the move to Minnesota permanent. Once in Minnesota he entered the mercantile business. In 1857 and 1859 he was elected to the Minnesota State Legislature. In 1861, Republicans took over the state legislature and Adams, a Democrat, lost an appointed office he had received the year before.

Adams was what was known as a "War Democrat." War Democrats wanted to see the union kept together no matter what the cost. President Abraham Lincoln appointed Adams as paymaster in the Army. Later he received a field promotion to lieutenant colonel for meritorious service in the field.

After the war, Adams returned to Minnesota where he once again engaged in the mercantile business and in real estate. During the war, Adams had passed the bar in 1862, although he had little interest in practicing law. He largely used his legal abilities during real estate transactions. In 1883 he moved to Minneapolis and continued in the mercantile and real estate businesses. He also became involved in local politics. In 1892, he received the Republican nomination as an alderman. He was elected to the position for two terms. He had a reputation as a fiscal conservative and opposed many projects which caused deficit spending. He also went into the newspaper publishing business.

Adams was active in the State and National Grange and was president of the state Agricultural Society. He worked hard to ensure those in the agricultural industry were well taken care of and prosperous.

Adams passed away on March 29th, 1912.

Adams was raised in Vermont Lodge No. 18 in Hartland, Vermont. In 1855 when he had returned to Vermont he joined Burlington Chapter No. 3 Royal Arch Masons and Burlington Commandery No. 2 Knights Templar. Later in Minnesota he joined the Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite. In 1885 he received his 33° from Albert Pike.

This article provided by Brother Eric C. Steele.