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Clifford Kennedy Berryman Passed Away

Today in Masonic History Clifford Kennedy Berryman passed away in 1949.

Clifford Kennedy Berryman was an American cartoonist.

Berryman was born in Clifton, Kentucky on April 2nd, 1869. He inherited his skill as a cartoonist from his father who drew the cartoon "hillbillies" in their home town for friends and neighbors.

At the age of 17, Berryman was appointed a draftsman at the United States Patent office. He worked there for 5 years.

In 1891, Berryman submitted sketches to the Washington Post. He became the understudy of political cartoonist Goerge Y. Coffin. When Coffin passed away in 1896, Berryman took over the postion as political cartoonist for the paper.

One of his most famous cartoons was in 1902, it was a cartoon of then President Theodore Roosevelt showing compassion for a small bear cub. The cartoon was titled "Drawing a line in Mississippi." The cartoon inspired Morris Mitchum, a New York store owner, to create a new toy called the Teddy Bear.

In his career Berryman drew thousands of cartoons. He satirzied Presidents to politicians, Democrats and Republicans, as well as important issues of the day, including World War II and the first atomic bomb.

In 1944, Berryman won the Pulitzer Prize for his cartoon "Where is the boat going." It was a political cartoon with Franklin D. Roosevelt as well as other government and congressional officals all trying to steer the USS Manpower Mobilization in different directions.

Berryman was a prominent figure in Washington. President Harry S. Truman once told Berryman "You are ageless and timeless. Presidents, senators and even Supreme Court justices come and go, but the Monument and Berryman stand."

Berryman passed away on December 11th, 1949 from a heart condition.

Berryman was a member of Temple Noyes Lodge No. 32 in Washington, D.C.

This article provided by Brother Eric C. Steele.

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