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Crypt in the Corner-stone

Today in Masonic History we present Crypt in the Corner-stone by Rob Morris.

In this poem Brother Rob Morris recounts the legend of the Corner-stone of King Solomon's Temple which contained "objects strange and curious". Legend has it that when the workmen arrived Solomon was able to detect the vices and passions of the workmen. With his power and wisdom Solomon removed the vices and passions from the workmen and locked them away in the Corner-stone on the Northeast Corner of the temple.

When a brother Mason exhibits any passion or impropriety forbidden by Freemasonry, based on the legend, it can be said that he has "robbed the Corner-stone of King Solomon's Temple."

Build up, ye Crafts, the Sacred Fane
Raise up its walls as high as heaven
But shape your blocks and lay them there,
Upon the pattern given.

Our master bade us labor so-
He marked the years, threescore and ten,
And gives us many a noon-tide hour,
To cheer his toiling men.

We build no walls for time to gnaw,
No halls for men who yield to death;
Our pattern is the perfect Law,
And God our service hath!

He refined the passions' evil train;
He quenched the fires within the breast;
He sunk them deep beneath the earth,
And there we bid them rest;

He laid ln love the Corner-stone,
A firm unshaken Rock 'tis found,
Our fathers built on this alone,
For this is holy ground!

We build no walls for time to gnaw,
No halls for men who yield to death;
Our pattern is the perfect Law,
And God our service hath!

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