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William Culham "Billy" Woodward is Born

Today in Masonic History William "Billy" Culham Woodward is born in 1885.

William Culham "Billy" Woodward was a Canadian politician and businessman.

Woodward was born in Gore Bay, Ontario, Canada on April 24th, 1885. Woodward was the son of Charles A. Woodward founder of the Woodward's department store which operated in Canada for 100 years.

In 1907, Woodward started in the family business as a bookkeeper. He would eventually work his way up to be president when his father passed away in 1937.

During World War I Woodward served in the First Canadian Heavy Artillery.

After the War, Woodward would return to the family business. He would also hold other positions outside of Woodward's, Woodward hold a variety of positions. He would be a charter member of the of the Bank of Canada since it's founding in 1935. He would be the President of the Vancouver Board of Trade who's mission is to "to work in the enlightened interest of our members to promote, enhance and facilitate the development of the region as a Pacific center for trade, commerce and travel." He was a life Governor of the Vancouver General Hospital. He was the Founder and Patron of the Vancouver Little Theatre.

Woodward would pass away on February 24th, 1957.

Woodward was a member of Acacia Lodge No. 22 in Vancouver, Canada.

This article provided by Brother Eric C. Steele.