
Robert Moray

 Born March 10, 1609 - Died July 4, 1673

Robert Moray (sometimes Murray) was a Scottish solider, natural philosopher, statesman, judge and spy.

Moray was born in Perthshire (officially the County of Perth), Scotland on March 10th, 1609. His date of birth is debated. Some claimed Moray attended the University of St. Andrews, although no records have been found he matriculated there. It is believed he was educated in France.

In 1633, Moray joined the Garde Écossaise an elite Scottish military unit. He served under Colonel John Hepburn in the army of Louis XIII. Moray caught the attention and became the favorite of Cardinal Richelieu. Richelieu used him as a spy. Richelieu promoted him to the rank of Lieutenant Colonel and sent him to join the Covenanters, a Scottish Presbyterian movement.

In 1640 Moray was appointed Quarter-master for his experience in military engineering. The same year he was involved in the invasion of England during the Second Bishop War. The Bishop wars were a political and military battle regarding the role of the crown in the church.

In 1643 Moray returned to France and was captured. After his release and the death of James Campbell, 1st Earl of Irvine, Moray was appointed as the head of the Garde Écossaise.

In 1651, Charles II, after being convinced by Moray, visited Scotland so his coronation as King of the Scots. This was after the execution of Charles I his father during the time called the English Civil war. Charles II, after his coronation, immediately tried to invade England. He was driven back and fled to France, specifically Paris.

In 1660, Moray became the founder of the Royal Society. Moray was influential in gaining the new society a Royal Charter and become it's first president.

Moray passed away on July 4th, 1673.

Moray was initiated May 20 1641 in to the Lodge of Edinburgh. Although this was a Scottish lodge, the initiation occurred in England. He became the first documented individual initiated into speculative masonry on English soil. In 1969 a lodge of Research called Lodge Sir Robert Moray No. 1641 was created.

This article provided by Brother Eric C. Steele.