
Search>> Education/Youth>> Youth Organizations>> United States>> Frank Sherman "Dad" Land

Frank Sherman "Dad" Land

 Born June 21, 1890 - Died November 8, 1959

Frank Sherman "Dad" Land was an American youth leader.

Land was born in Kansas City, Missouri. As a young man he gained a reputation as the "Boy Preacher" at his Sunday school. He attended the Kansas City Art Institute and at the age of 21 he was elected President of the Municipal Art Club of Kansas City.

By the age of 28, Land was already a leader in his community. He had a business history of being a successful restaurateur. It was around this time he was asked to act as the director of the Masonic Relief and Employment Bureau of the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry. Under Land the charity help hundreds of Families. He was also the Secretary of the Social Services Bureau of the Scottish Rite.

In 1919, Land's life changed along with millions of young men throughout the United States and Internationally. Land was visited by Louis G. Lower. Lower had come to Land initially for assistance from the Masonic Fraternity. Lower had recently lost his father who was a member of Land's lodge. After conversing with Lower, Land asked him to gather some of his friends in the area who were in a similar circumstance and to bring them to dinner at Land's house. From the initial meeting the Order of DeMolay grew.

As the DeMolay organization was beginning, Land received his nickname of "Dad". The young men felt calling Land by his first name was too personal and calling him "Mr. Land" was too formal. They decided on Dad Land and the name stuck. To this day advisors in DeMolay are referred to as "Dad" advisors in honor of Land.

In 1922, Land left his position with the Scottish Rite and become the Secretary General at the DeMolay headquarters in Kansas City.

Among other positions and honorarium Land held are president of the Kansas City School Board, honorary member of the University of Missouri chapter of Acacia Fraternity (a Masonic affiliated college fraternity), director of the Columbia National Bank, and at the time of his death a trustee of the Harry S. Truman Presidential Library Museum.

Land passed away on November 8th, 1959. To this day, DeMolay's recognize November 8th as Dad Land day and special events are held throughout the world in his honor.

Land was initiated into Ivanhoe Lodge No. 446 on June 29th, 1912. In 1925 he was coroneted a 33°Scottish Rite Mason. In 1951 he received the first Gold Service Medal from the General Grand Chapter of York Rite for work in Humanities. From 1954 to 1955 he was Imperial Potentate of the of Ancient Arabic Order of the Noble and Mystic Shrine of North America. In 1955 he received the Grand Cross of the Southern Masonic Jurisdiction, an additional honorarium given to 33° Masons.

This article provided by Brother Eric C. Steele.